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10 Questions on Finding Love Again

Ready for another 10 Questions?   This one comes from my client, Joanie Marx, an author, actress and active YouTuber.   At the age of 80, Joanie is currently on a long cruise to celebrate her birthday.

What can I say about Joanie?  Bright, lovely, vivacious and looking for love the second time around after the loss of her beloved husband, Joe.   The book opens as a memoir of her last moments with him and is told in a very upbeat manner—and talks about loneliness in the United State which is truly at epidemic heights. 

finding true love at 50

So, here we go with Joanie’s answers:

1.        What is the book about? My new book is “Finding True Love After 50” with the subtitle “Create Your Best Life in an Age of Loneliness”. 


2.       What inspired you to write this book?

I never started out thinking I’d be an author—but my first book “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming” received best selling status and I was off to the races!

3.       Loneliness is growing in the US.  Can you tell us more about the effects if has on us mentally, physically and spiritually

?Isolation and loneliness definitely affects our well-being.  Depression is a common result of feeling unconnected with the world around us—this leads to a weakened immune system too.

4.       Why do some women over 50 say they feel “invisible”?

Our society tends to focus on youth.  Aging is considered a disease and something that should be avoided at all costs!

5.       And does the media buy in?

Oh, yes, they sure do!  It tends to showcase older women as obsolete, unsexy and physically unattractive.  That’s part of the reason my YouTube has over two million views by women!

6.       How do you know when you are ready for a relationship in your 60s and beyond?

I always say it’s when you can look in the mirror and view yourself with love and a smile. You can’t be lacking and expect others to fill you up.  You have to be full yourself.  The best thing is self-love---that confidence shines through your eyes and is a magnet for others wanting to be with you.

7.       How about baggage?

Oh no!  Walking around life burdened by heavy emotional baggage is never a good thing and will get you nowhere.  In my book, I give you some ideas on how to lighten your load.

8.       Do you believe in true love---a second time around?

You best I do.  What Joe and I had for over 50 years was amazing—but now I’m moving to Chapter 2 as I know it’s what he’d want for me too. 

9.       And how do you know it’s true love?

It’s effortless.  You either feel love for someone or you don’t---then you work like crazy to keep the love alive.  You have to accept the person as they are, and know you cannot change them.  If you want change, change yourself. You also have to ride out the ups and downs that occur in any relationship, the hardships that happen, the illnesses that come along. Then you need to celebrate the achievements.

10.  This is quite a testament to your love with Joe---how do we view and buy your book?Oh, one more thing, Andrea.  This book was born as I was sitting with Joe, holding his hand as I heard his last breath, and thinking that Joe’s life is over, but mine is not.  In that moment of bewildering despair, this book was born.



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