Aren’t we all? While I’m not a big proponent of New Year’s resolutions, I do think the flip of the calendar year affords new opportunities. 2023 sounds good to me. So, this morning I’m reading through my normal news online and enjoyed this article from 1440, so I’m sharing bits and pieces and my take on each as it pertains to dating. (FYI—1440 is the number of minutes in the day---and one of my favorite daily news junkets online and it’s free).
Quotes and Dating Tips:

1. “Plant seeds every single day that you know who you are, you know what you’re about and you know what goals you’ve set for yourself”. Stephen Curry, basketball player I’m a Steph fan…and I like his take on just a seed. Makes it sound easy and one seed a day---well, we all have time for, right? In online dating speak, you have time for one unique message a day to someone who sounds fascinating!
2. “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring”. David Bowie Hey, David, if you’re talking about online dating, you are sooo right. You never know what a first date may bring.
3. “Life is short” really means do something. Chimananda Adiche, Author I translate this into why procrastinate? Jump in, dive in the dating pool.

4. “They always say time changes things, but you have to change them yourself”. Wow, Andy Warhol I can’t agree more. The singles I see with the most success are proactive and creative in their dating approach. No waiting for him/her to knock at their door!

5. “Age is not the enemy. Stagnation and complacency are the enemies”. Twyla Tharp, dancer From 25 years plus of helping singles find their partners or loves as a dating coach, wow, do I agree. Age is just a number. Dating has never been better for the 45–70-year-old age group. We take better care of ourselves, many look younger and are doing things that our grandparents would have never imagined doing at age 49, 55, 68. So, don’t be complacent---get out there and give it a go!
Thinking about number 5 above, I had one client (Lynn is 58) go on 14 first dates, ready to give up and just hang out with her tennis buddies. I encouraged (ok, totally talked her into) going out with Henry, 54, and well, the rest is history. She even sent me a Christmas card of his and her families around the Rockefeller skating rink!
And, that made my day!
Happy dating in 2023---
With love and laughter,
Andrea McGinty Dating Coach/Dating Consultant