Oh, February 14---love it or ignore it! It makes me think of the movie Love Actually and all the types of love in the world---romantic, unrequited, familial, love across languages and races, love despite status, love after death, brotherly love….and so much more.
No date today? No worries as a first or second date today can be majorly weird and stressful!
Tips for Today:
1. Unplug. Don’t look at dating sites or social media all day.
2. Do something your ex hated. Order that Indian food she complained about.
3. Take the Love Language quiz online---hey, it’s free and fun.

4. Hit the cosmetics counter at Nordstrom for some retail therapy and see what’s new. Guys, time for a new fragrance? Or a new candle?
5. Research a trip you’ve been thinking about since Covid.
6. Get a facial. You’ll feel like a million bucks.

7. Plant an herb window box with mint, basil and thyme---yum, fresh muddled cocktails at home. (hey this one comes same day!)
8. Repair a rift. Remember that dumb fight you had with your brother? You love him---tell him.
9. Bake something sweet and deliver it to your awesome neighbor. Don’t bake? It’s Girl Scout Cookie season!

10. Workout with a great new cardio playlist you made today. Oh, those endorphins.
It’s just a day---but a day filled with all sorts of love, not just romantic. And we all love someone, right?
Pick up your cell and call someone you haven’t spoken to in six months. I’m thinking of my favorite aunt who recently lost her husband---so while I think of her often, today I’m settling in for a good long chat with her.
Happy Valentine’s Day! To my clients, I treasure you. To those not yet, I look forward to the day I meet you.
Oh, the other thing I'm doing today? Taking Luna to a park we've never been!

Andrea McGinty & Luna
Founder, It’sJustLunch and 33000Dates.com